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Die Ignite-Talks des VOCER Innovation Day 2018

Creating A Humane Digital World: Wie schaffen wir es in Zeiten einer digitalen Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie das demokratische Wertegefüge und die Glaubwürdigkeit von Informationen zu erhalten? Vier Antworten.

Talk #1: Creating A Humane Digital World

Max Stossel, Head of Education & Storytelling for the Center for Humane Technology

Technology was supposed to be a bicycle for the mind, but in our race for optimization of time-on-site, clicks, shares, and even subscriptions, we seem to have lost sight of our „why“, or at least stopped fighting for it. How can we reimagine the way we measure our success and approach our work to truly value people over mindless innovation? Can we realign technology with humanity’s best interests?

Talk #2: Wie sich Medien von Populisten instrumentalisieren lassen – und wie sie es besser machen könnten

Kübra Gümüşay, Journalistin, Bloggerin & Netz-Aktivistin

Populisten nutzen nicht nur Facebook, Twitter und Co., um Meinungen zu manipulieren. Eine Plattform bekommen sie auch durch die Presse – immer dann, wenn Journalisten über eines ihrer Stöckchen springen. Doch wie können Populisten nachrichtlich abgebildet werden, ohne das Medien sich von ihnen benutzen lassen? Was können Journalisten besser machen, um ihr Publikum und sich selbst vor dem Einfluss zu schützen?

Talk #3: How to treat attention with the respect it deserves

Lea Korsgaard, Editor-in-Chief Zetland

We spend our lives in endless streams of posts, stories, and fast news. This has led to a crisis for public debate. A free press is the cornerstone in democracies. But it requires attention, and our attention is under attack. This talk not only sets the stage for the war on attention, sketching out the trends leading to the current situation and beyond, but also outlines possible solutions.

Talk #4: Conversation AI / Perspective: Machine Learning for Better Conversations at Scale

Dr. Lucas Dixon (Chief Scientist at Jigsaw/Google)

The internet was once accompanied by a dream that it would bridge people’s different perspectives. Today, it comes with a fear of increasing polarization. This talk is about the emerging role and potential for machine learning to help publishers mitigate the fear and realize a little more of the earlier dreams.

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