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Ruta Abolins

Ruta Abolins Ruta Abolins is the Director of the Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, USA.  She has been involved with moving image and sound preservation since she was in college. She is a member and former board member of the Association of Moving Image Archivists. Her most recent challenge was putting together an exhibit on media collections for a new building dedicated to preserving cultural heritage.


What about those old files?

aus dem Dossier Was von uns bleibt

Is the future of film digital? What are the benefits of digital film production and distribution? The documentary "Side by Side" takes a look at the history and the future of cinema. One question remains unanswered though.

The digital treadmill

aus dem Dossier Was von uns bleibt

Everything has changed: Our new columnist Ruta Abolins about moving image access, preservation, and the digital treadmill.

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